Welcome to my Blog

Negativity can be a heavy burden, casting shadows over our thoughts and interactions. To stop the negativity, we must shift our focus towards positivity and gratitude. Start by recognizing the good in everyday moments, no matter how small. Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and encourage you. Practice self-love and forgive yourself for past mistakes, understanding that everyone has their own journey. Do activities that bring you joy and remember it's okay to take breaks when needed. By choosing to see the bright side, you can change your mindset and start a ripple effect of positivity in your life and those around you.

You are Enough

Feeling good enough is about recognizing your inherent worth and the unique qualities you bring to the table. It’s understanding that perfection is an illusion and that your efforts, no matter how small, contribute to your growth and the world around you. Embrace your strengths and acknowledge your weaknesses, knowing that they make you human and relatable. Remember, your journey is your own, and comparing it to others only diminishes your achievements. Trust in your abilities, celebrate your progress, and be kind to yourself—because you are more than enough just as you are.

Suspicious  Behaviors

Suspicious behavior often manifests through subtle yet telling signs that something isn’t quite right. It might be the furtive glances of someone who avoids eye contact, the nervous fidgeting of hands, or the overly rehearsed responses to simple questions. Such behavior can create an atmosphere of unease, as it suggests hidden motives or concealed truths. In social settings, it can lead to a breakdown of trust, prompting others to question the individual’s intentions and actions. Recognizing these signs is crucial, as it allows us to remain vigilant and protect ourselves from potential deceit or harm. You may notice these behaviors in family, friends or coworkers, stay observant my friends. Have a wonderful weekend.

Build up each other

Supporting others is about being present and attentive to their needs, offering a listening ear, and providing encouragement when they face challenges. It’s about recognizing their struggles and celebrating their successes, no matter how small. True support means standing by someone through thick and thin, offering a shoulder to lean on, and sometimes just being there in silence. It’s the little acts of kindness, the words of affirmation, and the unwavering belief in their potential that can make a significant difference in someone’s life. By supporting others, we not only help them grow but also create a ripple effect of positivity and compassion in our communities.


Trusting your instincts can be a powerful guide in life. It’s about listening to that inner voice that often knows what’s best for you, even when logic and reason might suggest otherwise. When you trust your instincts, you tap into a deep well of personal wisdom and experience. This can lead to more authentic decisions, whether in relationships, career choices, or everyday situations. It’s not always easy, especially when doubt creeps in, but learning to trust yourself can bring a sense of confidence and peace. Remember, your instincts are there to protect and guide you, so give them the attention they deserve.

Family, our building blocks

Family is the cornerstone of our lives, providing a foundation of love, support, and security. It’s within the family unit that we first learn about relationships, trust, and empathy. Families offer a sense of belonging and identity, helping us navigate the complexities of life with confidence and resilience. They celebrate our successes, comfort us in our failures, and stand by us through every challenge. The bonds we share with our family members shape our values and influence our decisions, making family an irreplaceable part of our personal growth and well-being.

Take a chance

Taking a chance on writing a novel is like standing on the edge of a vast, uncharted sea, knowing that each word is a wave that could either lift you up or drown your fears. As you pour your heart into the pages, you confront the personal demons lurking in the shadows of your mind—self-doubt, vulnerability, and the relentless fear of rejection. Yet, in that act of creation, there’s a profound courage that emerges; you begin to transform your struggles into stories, weaving your truth into a tapestry that others might resonate with. The moment you hit "publish" is both exhilarating and terrifying, a leap into the unknown where your voice finally joins the chorus of countless others, each note a testament to the power of risking it all for the chance to connect and be heard.

Never give up

In the face of adversity, it’s crucial to remember to never give up. Life’s challenges, no matter how daunting, are opportunities for growth and resilience. When we persevere through tough times, we discover inner strengths we never knew we had. Each setback is a lesson, each obstacle a chance to prove our determination. By refusing to give up, we not only overcome our immediate struggles but also inspire those around us to find their own courage. Remember, the darkest moments often precede the brightest dawns. Keep pushing forward, for persistence is the key to unlocking a future filled with possibilities.

Trust Yourself

Trust is the foundation of any meaningful relationship, whether personal or professional. It is built over time through consistent actions, honesty, and reliability. Trust means feeling safe and confident in someone’s intentions and actions, knowing they have your best interests at heart. It allows for vulnerability, open communication, and mutual respect. When trust is present, it fosters a sense of security and belonging, enabling deeper connections and collaboration. However, trust is fragile and can be easily broken, requiring effort and commitment to rebuild.

Ultimately, trust yourself. When you believe someone or something deep in your gut, don't let anyone tell you it's not true. I know people who have literally lied to my face, how do I know? Because I knew the truth, I had seen the truth, but they still tried to convince me I was wrong.

Your friends, family and coworkers are all capable of breaking your trust. It could be something you told them not to repeat and they of course, repeat as soon as you leave. TRUST YOURSELF!

Fleeing to the coast

In the wake of the hurricane’s devastation, I have met a couple of couples here along the coast. It seems as if the world is turned upside down. If you don't believe in climate change, how do you explain that people are seeking refuge along the coast from their homes in the mountains that have been ravaged by a hurricane. Pray for them. Please!

Be strong, you got this!

Getting through hard times can feel overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that resilience is built one step at a time. During these moments, leaning on your support network—friends, family, or even a community group—can provide much-needed comfort and strength. Finding small ways to take care of yourself, whether through a hobby, exercise, or simply taking a few moments to breathe, can make a significant difference. It’s also helpful to focus on what you can control and take things day by day. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help and to acknowledge your feelings. Every challenge faced and overcome adds to your strength and resilience, paving the way for brighter days ahead.


It's been a few days....

Sorry, I haven't been able to blog for a few days. Hurricane Helene caused major power outages in our area, so it's been a busy weekend. My daughter, her family and three doggies spent the weekend with us. They did not have power; we were blessed to have ours. I know that is not even note worthing compared what other parts of the country received, the devastation in NC and TN, not to mention the part of FL that took the direct hit. My heart breaks for what they lost. You kind of know it's a risk when you live on the coast, but you never imagine a hurricane would be so devasting in the mountains, hundreds of miles away from the nearest coast. 

Try to have a good week. Although, I see there are more storms to come. Stay safe!!!


These two candidates could not be any more different. They are on total opposite sides of the spectrum. I do not see how there can be undecided voters. I personally think everyone has made up their minds, but just say they are undecided. Let's take a small look, shall we.

One cares about children, wanting them to be safe, fed and free to be themselves. The other only cares about them in the womb. Doesn't want to offer free school lunches, doesn't want to have gun control, but does want to ban books.

One cares about receiving proper healthcare for women. Allowing for doctors to do D & C's when a woman miscarries, the other wants a woman to be deathly ill before such a procedure should be performed. 

One wants to help the middle class with tax cuts, the other wants to help billionaires with tax cuts.

The comparisons can go on and on. There are no undecided voters, it's black and white, there is no gray area! J

Just my opinion.

Sleighing or Slaying

I can't be the only person that gets caught in the delightful dilemma of choosing between sleighing and slaying, the anxiety of indecision. On one hand, Christmas beckons with its twinkling lights, cozy gatherings, and the promise of joy wrapped in festive paper. The air is filled with the scent of pine and cinnamon, and the warmth of family and friends makes everything feel magical. On the other hand, Halloween tempts with its eerie allure, the thrill of the unknown, and the chance to embrace the darker side of imagination. The crisp autumn air, the rustle of leaves, and the excitement of costumes and haunted tales create an atmosphere of spine-tingling fun. Each holiday offers its own unique charm, making the choice between watching horror movies or Christmas movies a real conundrum.

Have a great Monday.

Sunday Stressing

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with work, writing a book, and now trying to get people to buy it. It's not only exhausting but very stressful. Balancing a full-time job while dedicating countless hours to writing your novel is already daunting. Adding the pressure of marketing and promoting your book makes me feel like I'm treading water, not getting anywhere. The constant need to switch between creative writing, work duties, household duties and family is making me feel a little bit of burnout and stress. I try celebrating small milestones, but it is very frustrating. I'm hoping that the fact that Tortured Soul and Mirrored Souls-Shattered are now on Kindle Books, that word will get out about them. I've received really good reviews on both books, but the sales are not reflecting that. 

In an ideal world, I would be able to quit my 9-5 job and just concentrate on writing, but that is just not feasible at the moment. So, if you get time to download my two novels on ebook/kindle please if you enjoy them, I beg to tell your family and friends or leave a review on amazon. 

Have a wonderful week.

Freaky Friday

A lot has happened this week. The Diddy thing, that will be interesting to see who all will go down with him. I pray for his victims that they get justice. If all that was accused is true, God help us. How as a society, do we turn a blind eye to people with money and power, to the point that they can get away with such horrific crimes. We must do better, we deserve better, our children deserve better, not to mention our grandchildren and generations to come deserve better. 

We need to stop worshiping people and giving them the power that makes them believe they are above the law! I can't even go on. It makes me sick that we have become a society that people of power believe they are God and can do whatever the hell they please. We give them that power, we need to take it back!


Just another manic Monday

What a weekend. Went out to dinner with a high school friend of my husbands. I didn't realize that I married the guy everyone wanted to date in high school. Who knew.... apparently not my husband. LOL. You all will love this, after dinner we took a stroll through a historic graveyard. Upon entering, we immediately said "we mean no disrespect". Those of you that know my husband and I, know we love ghost hunting. We heard laughing and then a voice on the recorder saying, "keep quiet". Guess they told us. It was harmless, fun so please no haters!

I am currently in the process of formatting Tortured Soul into an ebook. Mirrored Souls formatted no problem, but Tortured Soul is truly torturing me.  I'm almost there! I'll let everyone know when it is up and running.

Friday, It's my happy day.

The weekend is finally upon us, and what a week it has been. The Presidential Debate was amazing, democracy is in the lead. I'm feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time. Anyone that is for freedom and the rights of others should feel hopeful. Now just have to get out and vote.

I'll be spending most of my weekend working on Kindred Souls-Revealed, the final chapter for Maggie and Jason. Then I can move forward on other projects. I really need to get my next children's book out, but I think I will have to us AI for my illustrations again, as I'm getting no feedback from my friend that was going to illustrate it.

Other than that, I'll keep you up to date on release dates. Have a wonderful weekend.




I just have to say, I stayed up and watched the debate. I cannot comprehend how anyone could defend the rhetoric that spewed from Trumps mouth. What a vile man. It was mind blowing that this election is as close as it is. I grew up in the military, this man hates the people in the military. 95% of the people who served under him as president say he is unfit. How blind are people that are still going to vote for him. I hate to break it to them, but that man is not a Republican, he is a dictator, and I know intelligent people that admire him. WTFf!

There is my tangent. 

Just a short note regarding Mirrored Souls-Shattered

Wanted to jump on here and let you know that Mirrored Souls-Shattered is picking up steam. Keep the sales coming. I greatly appreciate it. I am working diligently to get #3 out. I'm leaning towards Kindred Souls-Revealed. This book will be written in both first- and third-person point of view. That is something knew for me, so I hope it works. 

Again, thank you to all who have purchased my books and for leaving reviews on amazon. That is a tremendous help for sales.

Love to you all.


Welcome to Monday

Let's just say, I'm very tired. My daughter was flying home from a quick trip to Ohio and after many delays and flight changes, she ended up finally getting home after 1 a.m.  I don't understand. American Airlines what the hell is going on? The last several times I've flown with you I have had delayed flights, change of flights, had to spend the night at an airport and that was just my trip there, the way home was not much better. Look we pay a lot of money to fly on your planes, I don't get why you have so many cancellations and delays. Why not delete some of your flights permanently, that way you don't have to delay them!

That was my rant for this morning. Have a great day everyone!

TGIF Everyone,

Today is going to be a great day. I get to leave work by 1 and spend the rest of the day and night with the grandkids. Although, I'm a little nervous about having to wait in the school pick-up line. I haven't had to worry about that for many, many years.  I brought plenty of snacks with me. 

I'm excited that I'm starting to get some feed back on Mirrored Souls, I'm very proud of it. I'm currently working on the 3rd and final installment of the Maggie and Jason saga. Then of to more deranged stories. 

Anyway, have a wonderful weekend and I'll check back in on Monday.  No one still hasn't noticed I'm no longer doing my Journey to Recovery blog. Interesting, don't you think?

Mishaps (9/5/24)

Last night I was sitting down to my computer to continue writing my next "greatest American novel", LOL,   when I spilled an entire glass of wine on my keyboard. Needless to say I am currently waiting for my new keyboard to arrive. Luckily, I will be staying the the grandkids this weekend, therefore, I will not be needing to use my computer.

Oh, how do you like the new design of the website? I think it looks more professional!

I forget how long it has been since I removed my "Journey to Recovery" page. But thus far, no one has mentioned it. I find it hard to believe that some people haven't noticed, but I guess life happens.

On a brighter note, a lady I know is currently reading Mirrored Souls and loves it. She says it's another quick read, and she doesn't know how my mind works. I guess that's a compliment. 

Have a wonderful Thursday.

Broken ties

I did it! I set myself free. I canceled all of my future sessions and deleted all my professional accounts: Facebook, Instagram and Threads.  I kept my personal accounts, as to keep up to date with family and friends. My book advertising will be down, but no one really buys them anyway, I write for me now and no one else.  It's a new day and a new lease on life. I'm going to enjoy what journey I have left.


I've come to the decision to stop my sessions with my dietician regarding my eating disorder. I've realized that no one really cares about it. I've stopped blogging about My Journey to Recovery for over a week and not one person has mentioned it, not even the people closest to me, heck most of them forget I have sessions on Mondays at 5 anyway.  So, there is no reason to continue, it causes me nothing but stress and anxiety. to those that have been following, thank you. I will continue to blog about other things....Have a wonderful evening.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

I had my session last night and although I met all of my goals for the week, even while being down with covid, she insisted I needed to eat more. I don't think she'll ever be happy with my progress. Right now, I am lucky I can stay awake. Yesterday I took a three-hour nap and was in bed by seven. My family is all recovered. It's been ten days for me, at least I no longer have to wear a mask. I do still have symptoms, but the fatigue is the worst one. I will message my doctor today because I am scheduled to take my Nucala injection on Thursday and need to see if it is okay that I do so.

I must get ready for work. Have a great week.


Co-workers' vs Friends and writing novels!

I realized today, as I sit writing book number 3, co-workers are not your friends. Don't get me wrong, there are those exceptions, but that is rare. I have been suffering from covid for over a week now, obviously everyone at work knows and not one call or text to see if I'm feeling better. Nothing.  

I'm currently writing a revelations novel, told by Maggie. How, she and Jason ended up where they are.  Maggie and Jason have a bond and love so strong; they would do anything for each other. As I sit here writing, I think of my own life.  To have someone that would move the world for you is what everyone should strive for in a relationship. I'm lucky to have such a person. Sometimes I believe I'm not deserving. 

So, even if you're co-workers or friends say they care, know they will forget you and your troubles in a heartbeat. Surround yourself with people who truly love you, willing to take the good and the bad unconditionally. Not someone that continuously looks at another person's social media, wondering what could have been or compares you to people from their past. But loves you and only wants to be with you.

As I continue to write this final chapter in the lives of Maggie and Jason, I can't help but find, that their story, is love story for the ages!



I made it 4 years without contracting the virus that had upended so many families. Then one day your granddaughter goes to first grade and a week later, you have it. I'm thankful that I received all my vaccines as well as a booster every fall; being a severe asthmatic my lungs are compromised. A week later I'm still feeling the effects, testing positive and extremely fatigued. I can only hope that it will pass without any long-term complications. As I sit here writing this, my heart goes out to all that lost loved ones and friends to covid, and I can't imagine the difficulty those dealing with Long Covid. I will pray for you every day that there is some sort of breakthrough to help you recover. I'll keep you posted on my ordeal.

Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend.


Just Living Life

Five days a week I get up, workout, shower and go to work from 9-5. Very humdrum. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful I have the ability to work, but their has to be more to life.  By the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is go out and do something. I've become very recluse. I like being at home.

I do a lot of writing when I'm not working, and that brings me joy. I'm not the best writer; I'll probably never have a best seller, and that's okay. I belong to a woman's writer group and they talk about getting an agent and a traditional publisher; that's not for me. To me having to write to meet a deadline would ruin writing for me.  There are some days that I  just don't feel like writing or you have a huge mental block and can't write. I don't want the added pressure of having to answer to publishers and agents.

I write for me, to get these crazy stories out of my head.  Life is already full of deadlines and pressures, why would I want to deliberately put added stress on myself? I will never make a living at writing and that's okay. 

New Children's Book

I am excited to let you know that I have been working on a new children's book. Basically, it teaches that mistakes happen and it's okay. Mistakes are how we learn and grow. But the most exciting thing it my friend and former classmate will be adorning my book with her artistic talents. She will be illustrating the book. I hope that this is a steppingstone for her to get her talents noticed. So, when it is available, I hope that you will purchase and tell all your friends about it. It's perfect for age groups 2-7 I would guess.  I'll keep you posted.  Thank you Shelley Prine Cevera for agreeing to do the illustrations, I can't wait to see your art!


Return Trip

This flight was postponed, again making me miss my connection. When we finally did get up in the air and was ready to land to make the later connection, we had to circle the airport for thirty minutes due to weather. Once we got the okay to land, we made our approach and then had to abort the landing due to wind shear.  We had to circle around again and come in from a different direction. Finally on the ground, I had to make my way from B concourse to C concourse, normally not a big deal, but I did where heels and my feet were killing me.  Once I made it to my destination, I had a one-and-a-half-hour drive back home.  I got to bed around 1 and had to get up at 430 to get ready to work. Need I say, I was exhausted yesterday. Had difficulty staying awake. Went to bed early last night, and this morning I woke up feeling under the weather. 

I will say my class reunion was wonderful. I met up with dear friends and it was like we had never been apart. I really need to see them more often. So, here's to old friends. Love you!


I'm on a trip back home for my 40th, yes, I said 40th class reunion and it's not going so well. I was to leave from my home airport at 6:19 pm and have a connecting flight in Charlotte at 8:15 pm. My first flight was delayed 3 hours which meant I would miss my connection. American Airlines took the liberty and rerouting me to Washington DC, which is fine, but my connecting flight isn't until 7.30am.  I've spent the entire night wandering around this big ass airport. I was far from alone, with all the cleaning crews and there were a few other passenger's that are here as well. Incase anyone was wondering, the employee for Peet's Coffee arrives at 3:20 am.  Unfortunately for me, it doesn't open until 6.  Such is life. May the remainder of my trip be uneventful!

Thank You

I'm going to take a minute to thank Joe Biden for his decision. I was going to vote blue no matter who was at the top of the ticket. I cannot morally support a man that has no moral values, had affidavits against him for raping children on Epstein's Island, says that he has free will to grab women by the "pussy" and believes that he was "Chosen By God". This man is the devil in disguise.

So, yes. Joe Biden put the country before himself. He is a selfless, good human being. His presidency was not about power, it was about the people and democracy. So, yes, I will still be voting blue. I want a president that will protect women's rights, convict molesters and put criminals in jail.

Novel vs. Children's book

I do believe that Mirrored Souls is almost ready to be released. I'm guessing sometime in August of this year. My children's book is still in the works. I have a lot of editing to do, before I can send it on to my friend, Shelley who will be illustrating it.  It is consuming my life outside of my daily job, but I find it therapeutic. I hope that you will purchase Mirrored Souls, but trust me you need to read Tortured Soul first. 

I will keep you updated on the children's book.


I started on a new children's book, while also writing my next novel, The Altar Boy.  I often wonder what kind of personality disorder I must have to be able to write graphic adult novels and sweet little children's books. All these ideas swimming around in my head. Each children's book has a lesson; be kind, embrace who you are, the true meaning of Christmas and this latest one, it's okay to make mistakes. Then the adult books, murder, rape, deceit, and betrayal. It's as if two different people are writing.  What do you suppose that says about me? Please don't answer that. 

Just thought I'd let you in on my dual personalities.  LOL


July 4th, 2024

Today used to be a day of celebrating our independence from a monarchy, but I'm sad to say the Supreme Court just handed us a king and/or dictator.  Never in my lifetime did I think I would be losing my rights as a woman. If they want to keep us home barefoot and pregnant, well than they better pay our husbands a hell of a lot more money, so we can afford to do that.  

Needless to say, I will be voting for the party that wants to give elementary children whose parents can't afford food, free lunches verse forcing them to carry a pregnancy caused by rape/incest.  I fear for my daughter and my granddaughter. What a sad time this is for America.


New Works in progress

Some of you may know that I have finished my 1st draft of Mirrored Souls, it is currently in the editing process. Hopefully that goes well. But since that piece is out of my hands for a while, I started working on a novel I started 10 years ago. I am actively writing The Altar Boy.  I had to read what I had already written to remember what it was about. I must say, I am very excited about this book. As always, my books have just one little piece of truth. I take that one incident and let my imagination run wild. So, hopefully this book will be done by the first of the year. Fingers crossed!

Work Humor

Some people know what I do for a living and really that's not important. I just wanted to share some of the things that were said today in a meeting. If people would just listen to what they say...I actually had to make a comment, that if someone had no idea what we were talking about, they would question our occupation. So, here it is a statement one woman said to another.

"You turn me off?"

"Yes. But I'll turn you on. Email me tomorrow to remind me to turn you on."

I'm like really? LOL. Sorry, just had to share.


I am on this app to advertise my books and then this whole GenX train started and the next thing I knew I'm being followed by a few thousand people.  There are some that obviously are not legit. I've been followed by Keanu Reeves multiple times, Elon Musk and today, Elon Reeves. Oh, I almost forgot a few Princes are among the followers.  Crazy and the cheesy pick-up lines they use in my dm's. My husband and I get a good laugh out of them.  My point, just because a woman is on social media does not mean she is looking for a man, and just as an FYI a real man would not try to hit up on a married woman on a social media app so, please knock it off. 

On the other hand, my fellow GenX women are quite supportive and are finding themselves in the same situation. Power in numbers, lets continue to stick together. And please buy my book!  LOL.

Condo update

We have people coming to look at our condo for the 2nd time.  This makes me excited and sad at the same time.  I'm happy that we may move before hurricane season and get the insurance monster off our back, but I'm sad because I really love this place. I love looking out my door and seeing the Atlantic. I love sitting on my deck at night looking at the thousands of stars and the occasional launches from Cape Canaveral. Fingers crossed the 2nd showing ends in an offer or that we win the lottery and can afford the insurance! LOL.


As you can see, I added the heading of products on my website. I am hoping that very soon, you will be able to purchase my books directly from here.  Fingers crossed I get this figured out. I am my own website designer. LOL


The Last Day of May

What a difference a day makes. The former president of the United States has been found guilty on all 34 counts. Now, I'm not going to get all political, but I do believe the jurors took their job seriously and without bias. I know that there is a huge group of people out there that will disagree with the verdict, but the evidence was laid out. Our system allows for a defendant to receive a fair trial, judged by their peers.  My question, why not take the stand if everyone is lying. My only conclusion is the evidence was undisputable.  He would have had to lie on the stand and risk being charged with perjury. 

Don't get me wrong, the fact that a former president is now a felon is a sad day for our country. 

Do You Remember Me

I wrote this about 9 years ago to help people see the impact of bullying has on a person.


Do You Remember Me?

By: Andrea Baker


I used to be full of life

I was happy and carefree.

But now I am invisible

Do you remember me?

We used to be the best of friends

When we were young at heart

Then something came between us

And we were torn apart.

Then you joined the others

And teased me every day.

My spirit became broken

I wished I’d fade away.

I walked those halls everyday

And kept my head held low

Being pushed, hit and tormented

For reasons I do not know.

No longer do I feel the pain

My troubled days are through.

I had to end the torture

Placed on me by you.

I used to be full of life

I was happy and carefree.

But now I am invisible

Do you remember me?


Feeling Lost

Do you ever try and put your heart and soul into something that you are so proud of and it turns out to be a flop or a waste of time? I have many times. I keep picking myself up and putting myself out there to no avail. It's like it's not in the plan of the universe. Success eludes you, and financial stability slips through your fingers. At some point, you have to ask yourself if it's worth it. How many times does one need to be knocked down for it to sink in? This is not the path you are supposed to be on, try something else. The thing is I don't know what else to try. I'm at a loss.

These feelings bring me back to my childhood, moving from place to place, always being the new kid in school and no one wants to be your friend. Most of the people have friends from the time they were in kindergarten and are still friends today, I don't have that. I don't want you to feel sorry for me I have plenty of acquaintances and a beautiful family, but today I just feel lost, and wish I had that one lifelong friend. 




I tried to find a poem I wrote about the face that we put on for the world to see is nothing but a facade for what is hiding behind it. I will continue to look for it. I think it will hit home for a lot of people, especially women. Putting on make-up, nails, hair extensions just to put a fake facade for the world.  I know why we do it, we say we do it to make us feel better, but in reality, we do it because we know the world is going to judge you just by your appearance. And let's face it, it feels good when someone tells you, you look pretty, or you are beautiful. Why does our self-worth hinge on what people think of us. I know I do this as well.  I am trying to get to a point in my life that I don't give a fuck what people think. It's harder than I thought, but that is the goal I am working towards. So, for those that need to hear it, you are beautiful just the way you are and don't let anyone tell you different!


Tortured Soul

I'm getting very nervous about the release of Tortured Soul. I am worried that people won't like it and totally rip it apart. I guess that is to be expected. I never claimed to be an author or a very good writer, I just have all of these stories in my head that I need to put on paper to make room for more stories.  I really hope that people see all the time (years) it has taken to get this book out, not to mention overcoming the fear of judgement.  

I am currently working on 3 more adult books, and 1 more children's book.  I'm not sure when they will be done, but please stay tuned and I will keep you updated on the progress. 2 of the novels I'm 8 chapters in; Mirrored Souls-Shattered and The Altar Boy. Mirrored Souls is the continuation of Tortured Soul, and The Altar Boy, will stand alone.  

I am hoping, that once I sell the condo and get into a house with more room, I will be selling my books from this website! I can't wait!

Have a wonderful day!


If there is one thing I cannot stand is people that are nice to your face and then talk about you as soon as your back is turned.

It's even worse when that person is above you at work.  This particular person talks about everyone in the company and then treats them like they are the best thing since sliced bread when face to face or talking to them on the phone. (I know, I'm aging myself with that sliced bread line.) Anyway, obviously I know if this person does it to everyone else, the same thing is done to me when I'm not around. Well, today that was confirmed. I hate having to leave the office to attend a meeting, especially if I have to attend the exact same meeting when it happens at the office I work in. Not a big deal.  Well, today, the person that talks about everyone, came in and said that I had to attend the meeting tomorrow. First of all, I never said I was not going to attend, and secondly even if I did say I didn't want to go, why tell them I wasn't going to attend. It's things like this that make going into an office miserable. I wish I could afford to just stay home and write my books. Not having to deal with the backstabbing of corporate life sounds like a dream! Could be the subject of an upcoming book. LOL

Eclipse Day

Well today is eclipse day.  I hope those of you who are in the path use protection when observing.  There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there, I can't believe the shit people believe now a days. I don't know why people need to put stuff on the internet just to make people scared to live their lives.  It's an eclipse, we have had many of them. I don't know why todays should be any different than any of the previous ones.

Please don't believe everything you read, do your research. I'm not just talking about today; I'm talking about all situations. Life is too short to constantly live in fear. Enjoy your day, make the best of your life, don't let the internet conspiracy theorists rule your thoughts.  Be you and think for yourselves.


Mirrored Souls-Shattered

Some good news on the novels.  Tortured Soul is hopefully in its final edit stage, hoping release date of 4/15.  In attempts to keep my mind occupied, I am on Chapter 8 of the follow up novel, Mirrored Souls -Shattered.  I'll keep you posted.

Have a wonderful hump-day!

Delay on Tortured Soul

So, I submitted Tortured Soul for printing, and was told my margins were off.  When I adjusted my margins, it screwed up the entire book, running sentences together. I am currently going through the novel page by page, line by line to put spaces in between words.  Then I will have to go through it again to ensure I didn't miss any.  That's the updater there.


Also, my first appointment with the dietician is on Monday.  Scared, nervous, and upset all rolled into one.  I'll update you on both topics on Tuesday.

Thank you for your support.


Good afternoon.  Just wanted to fill you in on an incident that happened yesterday.   A realtor booked an appointment to show our condo yesterday morning.  She wanted it available from 9:30 - 10:30 in the morning.  I got up early, made sure the house was clean and left my house at 9:20 for a walk on the beach. Now it was nice and sunny, but the temperature was in the 50's with high winds.  So, I could hardly breathe. After an hour, I went and sat in my car for another 15 minutes. Now it's 10:45. I texted my realtor (my husband) and asked if they were done with the showing.  He texted the other agent and he did not receive a response.  We assumed, yes, I know the old saying, that it was safe to head up to the condo.  I wasn't up there more than 5 minutes when I saw them walk by my window.  I quickly opened the door and scared the shit out of them.   I said, I'm sorry. I thought you were going to be here from 9:30 to 10:30. Her only response was, "We're running a bit late."

No shit Sherlock. Whatever happened to being considerate and notify someone when you are running late

Staying Positive

Sebastian, The Hairless Squirrel is getting very good reviews.  This makes me so happy.  I want the next generation, that no matter what they look like, sound like, or how rich or poor they are, they matter.  Bullying has become an epidemic, and as a Mimi of two small grandchildren, I want better for them.  This little book is just a small step in building self-esteem, and self-acceptance, it's a stepping stone into changing the way we treat each other.  There is no room for hate, we need to embrace each other's differences not tear people down because of them.

Be kind and be accepting of everyone's differences.  Peace and happiness to you.


So, most people I work with no nothing about me.  They know the basics, married, 2 children, 2 grandchildren, but that's about it.  I decided to put myself out there. On Saturday, February 23rd, I sent out a mass email to all the people affiliated with our office announcing the release of Sebastian, The Hairless Squirrel.  For the most part, they were all very supportive and needless to say shocked.  There were a couple that I work very closely with and consider them friends who didn't even acknowledge my email.  This speaks volumes to me.  Just remember, when you are getting ready to go out of your comfort zone and put yourself out for the world to see, expect some people to not be happy for you, or even willing to offer a bit of support.  Expect some disappointment.

Those that truly know me, know how difficult it is for me to put myself out there.  I am very shy and love to stay home in my comfort zone. So to those that offer support and a comforting word, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And for those that are scared to take that step and believe that what they have to offer is good enough...you are good enough, don't let fear stop you from going after your dream!


Just another day

Hello everyone, just thought I would jump on here and give an update.  Our beachfront condo is on the market, and my husband and I are taking our time to find a new home.  We want a project. Crazy I know.  He is actually on office duty with me today, wouldn't it be great if he sold our condo?  Oh, by the way, congrats to him for writing his first offer on a property since becoming a realtor!

Anyway, Tortured Soul will be available on March 17th through Amazon! I'm so excited. Sebastian, The Hairless Squirrel will also be available very soon. One for the adults and one for the kids.

Have a wonderful day!


Censored on TikTok

I tried to post a video about the upcoming release of Tortured Soul and TikTok refused to run it.  Apparently, the cover is too risque.  I had to blur the cover photo before posting.  The funny thing is, I got more views on that post than any other.  Maybe that means more people will buy it.  If you are easily offended by language and sexual situations, this book is not for you.



Busy Little Bee

Hey everyone.  I hope all is well.  I have been extremely busy trying to get everything done.  Just to give you an idea, I am working on getting Tortured Soul on Amazon.  This will hopefully happen next week.  I have also been working on The Altar Boy, Mirrored Souls and trying to figure out the illustrations for my next children's book. 

We are also in the process of trying to sell our condo.  When your husband is your realtor, it's quite an adventure.  We are not sure we actually want it to sell, decisions, decisions.  We do love our little piece of paradise.  Needless to say, I am so glad Dry January is over!  Until next time.

Mirrored Souls

This is a teaser of Mirrored Souls, the continuation of Maggie and Jason.  Let me know what you think.

     Tiny grains of soft, white sand caressed Maggie’s feet as she made her way to the ocean’s edge. Waves crashed and soaked her white sheer cover-up, exposing her now thin frail frame, a stark reminder of her time spent in the state hospital.  She removed her floppy hat, allowing the breeze to toss her long, blonde hair, as she tilted her head back to embrace the warmth of the sun.

     Maggie closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and let the salt air fill her lungs. The solitude and tranquility of the beach was refreshing. She felt small and her troubles seemed insignificant next to the vast body of water; with the passing of each wave, her worries washed out to sea. This would be her new beginning; Muller Creek was far behind her, and she and Jason could finally move on from her tortured past.

     Immersed in her thoughts, Maggie’s heart raced when a soft voice in the distance abruptly interrupted the silence. She opened her eyes and put on her floppy hat, not wanting to be recognized, before realizing no one was there. “Oh, dear Lord, please, not again.”  She quickly turned and headed back to the house, when out of nowhere a young couple came into sight. Maggie was very confused; just a moment ago, no one was there. “How? Who? Where did they come from?” she whispered to herself.


The Altar Boy

This is the opening passage to The Altar Boy. Would you continue reading?


It is dark, and she is shivering uncontrollably as the cold rain pelts her naked body. Paralyzed with fear, she gasps with each shallow breath, as blood oozes from the gaping gash on her neck. Her attempts to scream are mute.

Putting one hand on her neck, desperately trying to slow the bleeding, and using the other to steady herself, she attempts to inch her way out. Grimacing in pain with each movement, she continues to climb. Her feet slipping on the wet, muddy ground. Her body weak from the loss of blood. Lightheaded and feeling as if she is going to pass out, her will to survive is stronger than the perpetrator’s attempt to silence her. By the grace of God, she finds the strength. Making her way to the top of the ditch as she collapses at the road’s edge.

What's Next


I just wanted to jump on here and say thank you for your support.  We have reached 14 different countries and 26 different states.  I hope you all enjoyed Tortured Soul. Please look for it on Amazon in the next few months.  I will let you know the exact date it will be released.

I am currently working on the sequel to Tortured Soul and another novel titled The Altar Boy; they are keeping me busy. I have also finished a new children's book.  I am currently trying to find someone to help me illustrate it. I may end up doing it myself.

Again, thank you for your support.  Please continue to check back, as I will continue to blog and publish other small poems, essays, etc.

Love to you all!

Dry January

Well, here I am four days into my no resolutions, no diet, no added sugar, and no alcohol and life has thrown me my first curve ball.  The insurance for my condo had increased from approximately $5000 a year to $14,000. Yes, you are reading that correctly. I will say I do live 500+ steps from the beach, but still, an increase of $9,000 dollars is crazy.

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Happy 2024

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  With that being said, 2024 is right around the corner.  I will be working hard on Mirrored Souls-Shattered (the sequel to Tortured Soul).  I am hoping to have it ready by the end of 2024. Also, I will be removing Tortured Soul from my website on January 31, 2024.  I am planning on self-publishing it on Amazon.  I will keep you posted on the progression.  

I truly would like to thank everyone that has taken the time to read my book.

Here is to a Happy and Healthy 2024.

A Great Big Thank You!!!

Just wanted to jump on here and let you know that there are only 5 more chapters to Tortured Soul.  I look forward to hearing how you liked the book or if you didn't like it.  I am currently working on a sequel and would appreciate any feedback.  Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to read my little book.  I appreciate all of you. I hope you and your family have a happy and healthy holiday season.


If you have difficulty celebrating the holidays for whatever reason, you are not alone.  Many of us feel the loss of loved ones, especially at this time of year.  I wrote this poem many years ago.  Since then, my family has lost many other members, so this seems fitting to post.  I love you and miss you all.

Follow Your Dreams

This little venture I am on, is quite therapeutic.  I read a quote today, I'm not sure who wrote it, but it struck a chord with me.

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Book Releases

The original publisher for Benji's Special Christmas Gift went out of business, so, I self-published on Amazon.com.

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Here's something I wrote when I was just trying to make it through the day.  Try not to judge a book by its cover, you never know what a person is going through. Wink, wink!

Are you there, God?  What the Hell?

 Who remembers the book, “Are You There, God It’s Me, Margaret”? If you have not endured the tortuous saga of little Margaret praying to God every day for her period as well as for breasts to fill out her bra, then ladies, I must request that you stop what you are doing and immerse yourself into the head of a prepubescent girl.   

This book was given to every adolescent girl between the ages of ten and twelve.  I am certain, that our mothers systematically passed this book around to every preteen in the neighborhood. Obviously, this was their way of relinquishing their responsibility of educating their daughters on the facts of life.  So, for that, I need to give a shout out to Judy Blume for teaching every one of us just what a period was and why we would want to fill out our bras.  And it is for that same reason that I’ve decided that Ms. Blume bring little Margaret back to the forefront with a sequel, titled “God Are You Still There?  It’s Me, Margaret, What the Hell?”

Let us follow up on sweet, naive Margaret thirty-five years later.  I am confident that if she knew what torture she was bestowing upon herself in each prayer she recited, she would say, “OH, HELL NO!  Screw this shit, you bitches are on your own!”  Here she sits, older, wiser, sweatier, heavier, exhausted, and angrier!  So, what is it that brought me to this conclusion?

Well, one day, a typical day in the life and times of yours truly, a menopausal woman.  That’s right, I said it, menopausal!   I was going to run the vacuum. It was July, so the temperature was a bit warmer than maybe a woman in my condition would be comfortable with. But hey, it’s eight-thirty in the morning, how bad could it be?" 

 I got up off my couch and began my preparation.  I retrieved the beast from its lair and began in the family room. And hey, so far so good. I proceeded through the remainder of the house, but by the time I had reached the final leg of my expedition, Niagara Falls somehow managed to pour out from my head.  I was ringing wet… WHAT THE HELL!  So, I ask you this, my friends, Margaret, and of course, Judy Blume, when did vacuuming become a water sport?










What the Hell?

Some people think that you/we are stupid. Things slip out of people's mouths that make you say, "What the hell". Of course, you don't say that out loud, you just file it away with other things that don't seem to be what they appear.  That happened to me recently, this makes you function on high alert. That is a miserable way to live.

I suffer from an eating disorder for far too long, but it's these little incidents that make you feel insecure. Whether it be from coworkers, friends, family or even strangers, it feeds this disorder. You already have low self-esteem and when people appear to be insincere or not truthful it just drills those feelings you have further into your psyche. I hope one day this will no longer be a cycle for me, but after 40 + years I believe it's too late for me. But for some of you, don't fall down that rabbit hole. Believe in yourself, your talents and don't let the noise get into your head.


Wednesday is a sign of better things to come. It's the middle of the work week. When you finally hit Wednesday you know you are on the downside; the weekend and your sanity is just around the corner. Now I know that there are some that work on the weekends, and to you I truly apologize, as well as greatly appreciate all that you do. You realize when you work on weekends, your job is very important. So, I thank you for making the sacrifice. 

As I get ready to start my day at my humdrum job, I find solace in the fact that the weekend is close, and my life can become two days of mine numbing television watching, sitting at the beach and not having to think of anything.

Enjoy your day.